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Net-zero chemicals industry initiative relaunches as the Global Impact Coalition
To drive the global chemical industry on a path to net-zero emissions by 2050, the Low-Carbon Emitting Technologies (LCET) initiative, incubated and hosted by the World Economic Forum for more than three years, has now officially launched as the independent Global Impact Coalition.
Recycling Content TPE with various adhesion options
a global manufacturer of custom-engineered TPEs, announces the launch of its latest product line. These solutions expand the group of THERMOLAST® R compounds and make it possible to use a high percentage of recycled materials. In comparison to the already established products, up to 70% can be achieved even in materials with low Shore A hardness.
New Adhesives for Flexible Photovoltaics and Electronic Applications
Organic photovoltaics (OPV) and Perovskite-based systems are creating radically new applications in consumer electronics. They include indoor light harvesting to extend battery life of wearables, and outdoor energy generation with performance in regard of their flexibility previously unimaginable from conventional photovoltaics.
Clariant highlights the Thai beauty concept by combining sustainability and science at in-cosmetics Asia
As a regular exhibitor at the annual in-cosmetics Asia trade show held in Thailand, a global leading specialty chemical company Clariant will return this year with a brand new concept based on the Thai beauty by offering solutions leveraging natural ingredients through the power of science. The show will be staged on 7-9 November 2023 at the BITEC in Bangkok.
Clariant introduces TexCare® Gemini SG Terra: Game-changing soil release polymer for laundry applications with innovative rheology control
Clariant has unveiled its latest innovation for laundry liquid applications, TexCare Gemini SG Terra, which provides formulators with “one product, double function”, offering a high-performing soil release polymer that keeps the rheology of the detergent under control.
Why the RTE Conference & Exhibition 2023 is of great interest to formulators
RadTech Europe, the European association for energy curing technology, has themed its biennial conference around the technologies power to save and is targeting formulators with its conference programme.
New compounds for drinking water and hot water applications as well as trendsetting TPE solutions that contain high proportions of bio-based and recycled materials
TPE will put the spot on its leading competence in the field of thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs). The product innovations presented at booth 5303 in hall B5 will focus on a series of new TPE compounds for sophisticated drinking water and hot water applications.
Two-day industry event all about the energy efficiency of curing technology
Energy curing is becoming more and more popular. Especially with the energy crisis, this technology is showing that it can help companies save a lot of time, cost, and energy. RadTech Europe, the European association for energy curing technology, has themed its biennial conference around the technologies power to save.