26 April 1991
Year: 1991
Price: 10.00


Integrating UV radiometers are particularly widely used in process control. Figure 1A
shows a typical high power integrating UY radiometer passing through a conveyerized
UV cunng system. Figure lB shows the energy display on the radiometer.

Measurement disagreement between individual instruments on the same process has
limited use of the radiometers to relative readings. That is, two seemingly identical
instruments, when used on the same process, would provide reading which might differ
by as much as ±50%. Although both instruments would provide excellent replication
no two instruments coUld be relied on to provide the same reading when used on a
given process. Table 1 shows the results obtained by two radiometers when passed
through three different types of high energy curing systems. The two radiometers
were calibrated on the linear mercury lamp system so those readings agree quite well.
The Fusion type "H" and "D" lamps do not agree as well because their spectral outputs
are much different from the linear mercury lamp.

Although a single radiometer may be used quite satisfactorily by itself to determine
day-to-day changes in a given process, unit-to-unit disagreemenf essentially has
precluded using two or more instruments to ensure consistent process conditions at two
or more loéations. By example, if the same UV process were set up at two different
locations; two radiometers could not be used to ensure identical process conditions at
the two locations. It would be necessary to interchange one radiometer between both
locations or attempt to correlate the readings between the two instruments. Neither
approach is convenient.

1991 Conference Matched Uv Radiometers Eliminate Reading Disagreements
Author: J.T. May and P.A. May | 11 pages

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