2 May 1993
Year: 1993
Price: 10.00

"Environment" became a keyword all over the world. What does this word
mean? Let us try to define thistermbefore discussing apossible
influence of the radiating curing technology on the environment.

First of all, the environment is the sum of all naturalconditions,
such as air, water, land, in which people, animals and plants live. The
more the world population grows, the more land, water, food etc. people
need for surviving. However, space for housing, cultivation, industrial
use, entertainment is limited on our globe. Also the quantity of natural
resources like minerals, oil, gas is limited And last, but not least:
as more people live on our planet, as more air, water, soil etc. will be,
polluted and made unfit for use.

1993 Conference Environment And Radiation Curing
Author: Dr. K.F. Schroeder | 7 pages

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